DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC), with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal. Compared to the DS1302 solution, the DS3231 has many advantages, it function with a VCC ranging from 2.3V to 5.5V and has a battery backup. Unlike the DS1307, the DS3231 also has an integrated crystal (so no external crystal required), temperature sensor, 2 programmable time-of-day alarms, a 32.768 kHz output pin to ensure higher accuracy. Besides, there is also a EEPROM AT24C32 to supply you 32K EEPROM to store your data, it is the best choice for your application that needs recoding time, a built battery holder make this module suitable. It is a good substitution for the data logging shield, with even higher time precision.
- Two Time-of-Day Alarms.
- Digital Temp Sensor Output.
- Register for Aging Trim.
- DS3231 RTC with 2032 Battery Holder.
- Highly Accurate RTC Completely Manages All Timekeeping Functions.
- Real-Time Clock Counts Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Date of the Month, Month, Day of the Week, and Year, with Leap-Year Compensation Valid Up to 2100.
- Configurable I2C device Address for AT24C32 using SMD jumpers on PCB (A0, A1, A2).
- Programmable Square-Wave Output Signal.
- Battery-Backup Input for Continuous Timekeeping.
- Low Power Operation Extends Battery-Backup Run Time.
- Can be cascaded with other IIC device, 24C32 addresses can be shorted A0/A1/A2 modify default address is 0x57
2. Interface DS3231 Precision RTC Module with Arduino
3. How to Create a Clock Using Arduino , DS3231 RTC Module and OLED Display