Capacitive proximity sensors are non-contact devices that can detect the presence or absence of virtually any object regardless of material. They utilize the electrical property of capacitance and the change of capacitance based on a change in the electrical field around the active face of the sensor.
Capacitive sensors detect both metal and non-metal objects, and can sense through insulating materials such as wood or plastic. They are often used to detect fill levels of liquids, pellets, and powders through container walls. Capacitive sensors are available in cylindrical or rectangular shapes, with sensing distances up to 40mm.
Capacitance proximity switch
The induction surface of capacitance sensor is composed of two coaxial mental electctrodes, which from a capacitor and connected on RC oscillation circuit, just like an open capacitor electrode.
When connecting to power supply, RC oscillator does not work. When an object is clos eto capacitor electrode, the capacitor capacity will increase, and the oscillator will vibrate. Through the treatment of behind stage circuit, both signals of stop oscillation and oscillation will be converted to switch signs for checking the existence of object. this distance can be obtained, but to nonmetal object, the action distance is d etermined by material dielectric constant, the more dielectric constant, the more action distance will be obtained.
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